Jana Kasalova

1974 geboren in Turnov, Tschechien
1992-99 M.F.A. in painting: Faculty of Fine Arts, Polytechnic University in Brno (Prof. Jirí Načeradský)
1996 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prag
1997 Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, England (Prof. Vanessa Jackson)
2000-02 PhD studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cuenca, University of Castilla-La Mancha and Complutense University Madrid, Spain (Fine Arts and Art teraphy)
2010 PhD degree obtained at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Ausstellungen | Auswahl
2017 Dopisy odjinud, Galerie Jiřího Jílka, Šumperk
  Artperforming Festival, Napoli, Italy 
2016 Brood Film Fest, Exeter Phoenix, Exeter, England
  A Good Adress, Galerie Ferdinanda Baumanna Prag
2015 God alone knows where I usually hide, Vitrína Deniska, Olomouc
  Project AfterBirth, White Moose Gallery, Exeter, England
2014 Ptolemy's children, NTK National Library of Technology, Prag
Preise | Stipendien
2009/13/16 Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Český Krumlov, Tschechien
2001-03 Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Madrid, Spain
2002 Royal Talens Painting Award, Barcelona, Spain